Gavin's Rock (Chapter 14) - Goldmine Takeover


Silla sat in the front passenger seat of the miner’s car, her eyes gazing out at the island’s golden sunset. The soft glow of the fading sun seemed at odds with the dark memories this place held for her and every woman who had been subjected to its horrors. Gavin’s Rock was a paradise tainted by patriarchal rule, its beauty marred by years of oppression. But as the day slowly gave way to night, she knew the time for revolution was drawing near.

The island was about to change. And when it did, it would no longer belong to the men who ruled it with brutality and arrogance. This island, with its scenic coastlines and lush landscapes, was meant for something greater—a future where women ruled, and men were reduced to nothing more than pets, stripped of their false power. Silla’s heart swelled with that thought. The revolution was coming, and the night’s festivities would be the beginning of the end for the men of Gavin’s Rock.

Silla stole a glance back at Bianca, Dinah, and Madelyn, each of them preparing for what lay ahead. Bianca was mentally going over the moves she’d make when the time came to strike. Dinah’s eyes gleamed with quiet determination, her bruised body still recovering from the torture she had endured but her spirit unbroken. And Madelyn... well, Madelyn’s smile said it all—she was ready for revenge, and nothing would stop her from tasting it tonight.

Alif, still behind the wheel, glanced nervously at Silla. He had been quiet the entire ride, likely calculating the slim chances he had of surviving this night unscathed. She could feel the fear radiating off him. Once, he had been her husband, a man she thought she could trust. Now, he was a coward, barely holding onto his dignity as he drove them to the goldmine where the men were preparing for their celebration.

“The men’s party should have most of the security distracted,” Silla spoke, her voice hard as steel. Her eyes stayed fixed on the road ahead, but her mind was already in the battle to come. “Alif will give us clearance once we get there. Their system will be wide open for us to strike.”

Alif gave a shaky nod, his fingers gripping the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles white. He didn’t dare say a word. He knew his role tonight, and there was no room for mistakes. Not with Silla and the others ready to rip him apart if he even thought about betraying them.

“Once we’re in, we take them down,” Bianca growled from the backseat, cracking her knuckles with anticipation. “We grab their weapons, leave them bleeding on the floor, and then we go after the big prize—Sebastian.”

Silla’s gaze darkened at the mention of Sebastian. He was the one responsible for Alif’s descent into corruption, the man who had twisted her husband into someone she no longer recognized. Tonight, Silla would make sure Sebastian paid for everything he’d done.

“I’ll handle Sebastian,” Silla said coldly, her fingers curling into fists. “He’s mine.”

In The Mine

"Why aren't we at Gabriel's party? I still don't get it!", Damian said in a complaining tone to his father. "C'mon, son, you should enjoy it!", Dr. Koller said. "Normal, hard-working men, celebrating peace and justice ... what could be more satisfying? Not this boring, snobbish elitist party at an isolated villa! Besides... I want you and your cousin to learn more about the island's society... Talk to the working men, listen to them! We all rely on their work, on their strength and courage!"

 "Thanks for the lesson, dad". Damian rolled his eyes. "Drunk workers in checked shirts... What could we learn from them? We're ongoing  Watchdogs!", he then whispered to his cousin Yello. Damian thought of Lucas, who was surely at Gabriel's party, using the opportunity to strengthen his connections to the island's elite. Paul, meanwhile, actually had other reasons to avoid the company of the Watchdogs. Chase had continuously taunting him since the humiliating scenes in the lab, where a dangerous drug had temporarily turned him into a stupid animal with a giant boner... Koller had recovered since then, also with the help of his colleague Hodenberg, but he felt that the Admirals had lost their respect of him somewhat, and secretly made jokes about him. He decided to switch the topic. "Aren't you boys glad that the terrorists were finally killed? That's what we should celebrate today!"

"Sure we are!", Damian confirmed, but if he was honest, his feelings were still mixed. He regretted Dinah's death - he would have preferred to defeat her, make her submit to him, and teach her about male superiority. Yello, on the other hand, was really glad that the danger was over. Now he could tell his father that the island was safe again, men had won, and that he had contributed to it. Henry, Jonah, and maybe even his sister Jessica would be so proud of him when he returned, he imagined...

Sebastian made his way towards them through the party crowd, accompanied by a pale, nervous-looking Asian man. "Hey, doc! Hey, boys! Enjoying the party? Look who just returned from a mission to a partner island! Alif here just told me he settled a great deal with the MANPOWER gang!" Everyone knew Alif since his legendary fight against Rudy Maybank, and even though he lost, he was still respected by most men. "That's fantastic, Alif!", Dr. Koller said. "But you don't look good, to be honest! Everything okay?" - "Uh... just a bit ... seasick, still...", Alif mumbled, and tried to smile. "Glad the fucking terrorists are dead, huh?", Damian asked, patting Alif's shoulder. The Asian man started to shiver, and sweated. "You should go to bed, it seems you have a fever!", Koller insisted, looking worried. "Did you meet my brother? Jonah?", Yello asked. Alif shook his head. "No... only his vice, Corbyn!" - "He's such a smart guy", Yello said. "And he was my best student at the time", Koller added. "I hope he's fine?" Alif recalled how he had last seen Corbyn. "Perfect", Alif said, and emptied a whole glass of whiskey.

Sebastian grabbed a female slave. “It’s time for me to choose a new wife,” he sneered, his hand gripping the trembling woman’s arm tightly. “Who cares about Tini when I can have a new one anytime I want!” He laughed, his booming voice filling the room, and the men around him joined in, too afraid to show anything but admiration for the man who ruled their lives.

Sebastian’s grin widened as he turned his attention to Damian, his voice dripping with mockery. “Of course, I’ll send some of my watchdogs out to search for my son. He’ll be the next elite boy of this island, just like his father!” Sebastian laughed again, his hand waving dismissively in Damian’s direction. “Hopefully a competent one, unlike some people I know.”

Damian’s jaw clenched at the jab, but he didn’t dare speak up. His resentment simmered beneath the surface, but here, in front of Sebastian and the other miners, he was powerless. He threw a glance at Dr. Koller, his father, who simply nodded along, as if going with the flow. Damian hated it—hated how his father allowed Sebastian to degrade him like that. But what could he do?

Sebastian's amusement grew darker as he slammed the woman onto the couch. He moved his hips in rhythm with the pulsing music, grinding against her helpless body. “Now watch me, boys! I’m your leader. Watch me fuck this bitch!” he roared, thrusting his pelvis with sickening enthusiasm as he danced for his men. Laughter and cheers erupted around him. “My trusted men, Drew and Alif, might want to join later,” he added, his tone laced with twisted humor.

In the corner of the room, Yello, one of Damian’s cronies, leaned closer, whispering to him. “I think the goldminers are pretty cool, you know? Better than those stupid watchdogs. Maybe we should join them.”

Damian considered it, his mind racing with possibilities. If he could rise to a high rank in the mine, maybe Lucas, his old rival, would finally acknowledge him again. He was the golden boy of Gavin’s Rock, after all. No one could take that from him. “Yeah, you’re right,” Damian said, nodding thoughtfully. “And the flannel shirts they wear aren’t bad either.”

As the men partied and laughed, unaware of the approaching storm, Dinah and Madelyn slipped unnoticed into the information room. Dinah was quick to work. Her fingers moved swiftly over the keyboard, her eyes narrowing as she accessed the mine’s communication systems.

“This will cut off all their communications,” Dinah whispered, smirking as she placed a small, homemade device onto the network hub. “It’ll mix their signals, confuse the hell out of them.”

Madelyn watched with curiosity, leaning in as Dinah tinkered with the setup. “You haven’t told me about your new weapon yet,” she said, her voice low but excited.

Dinah’s eyes gleamed wickedly as she held up a small taser. “This bad girl is adjustable taser. I can set the voltage high enough to burn their dicks right off. I hope the first one to feel it is Damian. I’ll fry his spoiled nepo baby balls so bad he’ll crawl back to his daddy in tears.”

Madelyn chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. “Great… Those men don’t know what’s coming.”

After a moment, Dinah asked “So... have you thought about what you’ll do to Chase? You know, after we win? Castrate him or keep him as a pet? Personally, I’m leaning toward keeping Damian as mine.” She laughed, imagining the sight of the once-proud Koller boy reduced to her plaything.

Madelyn smiled thoughtfully. “I haven’t decided yet. One step at a time. But seeing Chase as a slave does have a nice ring to it.”

“Perfect,” Dinah said, her voice full of mischief. “Now let’s get this show started.”

With a final press of a button, Dinah shut off the power, plunging the mine into near darkness. Only the dim emergency lights flickered on, casting long shadows across the room.

Sebastian froze mid-motion, his smirk faltering as the lights dimmed. He zipped up his pants, looking around in confusion as the slave he’d been tormenting curled into herself, crying softly.

“HEY! WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?” Sebastian shouted, his voice sharp with irritation. The other miners exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what was happening.

Suddenly, Dinah’s voice crackled through the speakers, cold and mocking. “Hey, boys. We’re coming back.”

Damian’s blood ran cold. He knew that voice. “No… it can’t be. Dinah?” He shuddered, fear gripping his heart. She was back. How?

Sebastian’s face twisted in rage. “Who the fuck is that?” he bellowed, his hands tightening into fists.

Madelyn’s voice joined Dinah’s over the speakers, her tone dripping with amusement. “You can’t see us, but we can see you. Oh, and hello again, Dr. Koller.”

Koller’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Madelyn?” he gasped, his face going pale. The man hadn’t expected to see her again, let alone under these circumstances.

Then, a thunderous sound filled the mine as footsteps echoed down the darkened halls. The women had arrived.

“THE WOMEN ARE ATTACKING!” Drew yelled, his voice barely cutting through the chaos as the men scrambled.

Silla led the charge, her eyes blazing with determination. She could feel her Conqueror Spirit building inside her, but she held it back for now. Where was the fun in making it too easy? She wanted to watch the men struggle, to see their faces twist in terror as the women they had underestimated for so long came for them.

Drew panicked, as the memories of the Harpoon incident and the Hayes Routledge concert suddenly came back to him. Confused drunk men, stumbling around in the dark, rebelling slaves, chaos ... He remembered his friends Harry, Hayes, Micky, Cole ... "Not this time!", Drew thought. "Not me..."

Dr. Koller was confused, too, but tried to stay composed as usually. "This must be a trick!", he thought. "Did some terrorists survive? Hell, I should have taken my night vision goggles with me!"

Damian whispered to himself "Dinah... She's here... My chance... My last chance... If I defeat her now, Gabriel will forget Lucas! I'll be the hero then!"

Yello was white as paper and shivered like Alif before. "This... this can't be! They're dead! They told us they're dead! Damian... Uncle Paul ... Brennan...", he whined. "C'mon! Let's fight them! Bring me that bitch Dinah! Are you with me?", Damian shouted. Yello gulped, but then nodded. The boys were just about to confront the attackers, when Dr. Koller held them back. "The miners are men enough to fight those few girls! I have another mission for you!" - "No, dad! Not this time! We must ...", Damian protested. "Shut up and listen!", his father hissed. "It's important! We must switch on the lights again, and restore the connections! Our men must be able to see their enemies to fight them! And we must warn Gabriel, and call the Watchdogs! Go to the info room, and take back control over it!" Damian opened his mouth again to protest, but then he thought about it. He had heard Dinah's voice - perhaps she was still up there in the information room? Damian turned to Yello. "Our chance for revenge, bro! Let's get Dinah, and fuck her!" - "Yeah!", Yello said, infected by his cousin's determination. The boys ran out of the room, each holding a Whiskey bottle as an improvised weapon. "Sebastian! Call your men to order! We must fight those sluts!", Koller commanded. Then he looked around in the dimly lit room. "Where the fuck did Alif go? He was here just a few seconds ago!"

Sebastian stood tall in the center of the room, his face flushed with a mixture of anger and disbelief. The men around him were nervous, their confidence shaken after the events at the Harpoon, but Sebastian wasn’t about to let his power slip away. Not to a group of women.

“MINERS!” he bellowed, his voice echoing off the stone walls. “We are the respectable men of Gavin’s Rock. They’re just women!” He paced, swinging his arms to rally the men, trying to reignite the arrogance they had lived by for so long. “Don’t be afraid! Grab your tools! Let’s defeat them... and fuck them after!”

His words hit the ears of the goldminers, many of whom were still trembling from the memory of what happened at the Harpoon. But Sebastian's booming voice forced them to move. Some of the men hesitated, fear still coursing through their veins, but they knew there was no going back. Sebastian wouldn’t let them. “GO! GO!” he roared, shoving a few of the miners forward, urging them toward the fight. The light is dimmed but they can see despite it’s hard.

The sound of boots clattering on the stone floor filled the air as the miners rushed toward the oncoming attack. Tools were grabbed, crude weapons formed from mining gear in their hands, but the fear was still there, lurking beneath the surface.

Meanwhile, Dinah, crouched over the control terminal, felt something beneath her feet. A slight tremor. Barely noticeable, but enough to send a prickle of unease crawling up her spine. She stared at the screen, quickly scanning the data she had just pulled up.

"Madelyn," Dinah’s voice was sharp. "Go help the others. I need to check something."

Madelyn turned, brow furrowed. “What do you mean? What’s going on?”

Dinah’s fingers flew over the keyboard as she pulled up the tremor data. Her eyes narrowed. “I think Sebastian and Alif’s stupid invention dug too deep into the earth. These men... they’ve been destroying nature, and mother nature never forgets. This tremor... it’s not natural. I think the mine is going to collapse soon.”

Madelyn’s eyes widened in alarm, but Dinah kept her focus on the screen, her mind racing. “I need to run a simulation and figure out which part will collapse and how much time we have left. You need to help the others. Get them out of here, quick.”

Madelyn nodded, concern etched on her face. “Alright, good luck, smart girl. Don’t take too long.” With that, she turned and rushed toward the left side of the door, leaving Dinah to her work.

As Dinah concentrated on the data, footsteps echoed from the right side of the door. Her focus momentarily broke, and she instinctively tensed, thinking Madelyn had returned. But the voice that called out wasn’t hers.

“Hello, my love.”

The voice was sickeningly familiar. Damian.

Dinah smiled to herself before turning slowly to face him. No fear flickered in her eyes anymore. The man who had once tortured her, tried to break her spirit, was now standing before her, but he no longer had power over her. That time for fear had passed.

“You almost killed me, and now you’re calling me ‘love’?” she said, her voice laced with mockery as she casually reached for her weapon. Damian stood there with Yello, his cousin, but the sight of him only amused Dinah.

Yello’s red hair flared in the dim light, and Dinah’s eyes flicked to him, her smile widening. “You shouldn’t have brought your stupid redhead lackey here. He’s stupid and weak. So weak. He just will cry searching for Brennan like in the headquarter. Where’s Lucas? Don’t you need his protection, Damian? Big, strong Lucas... now, that’s a man.” Dinah’s voice was sweet, dripping with sarcasm.

She knew Damian’s weaknesses. His ego, for one—larger than life, fragile as glass. And his balls. There were always his balls. (author note: Like balls are so ugly and sweaty. Yuck! The ugliest thing in the world. Now... Reader... if you’re a man, punch your balls. If you’re a woman, find a couple of balls to punch. Men are trash and stupid. And smelly. Yuck. FUCK MEN!! FUCK YOU ALL MEN!! RUIN THEIR BALLS!!!!!!! FUCK MEN!!! MEN ARE SHIT!! RUIN THEIR BALLS!!!!I’M SO ANGRY AT MEN!!!!!!!!!!! MEN!!! FUCK THEM!!!!!! CRUSH THEIR BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Dinah tilted her head, watching as her words sliced into Damian, knowing exactly what buttons to push. “You know,” she purred, “Lucas did something to me in the lab... something you’ll never claim. He took my virginity.”

The smirk on her lips deepened as Damian’s face turned a deep shade of red, rage burning behind his eyes. She could almost hear the sound of his pride cracking, breaking under the weight of her words. For men on this island, claiming a woman’s virginity was their ultimate prize, their mark of ownership. And she had just torn that dream to shreds in front of him.

“You’re too late, Damian,” Dinah taunted, her eyes glinting with malicious delight. “Lucas got there first. And trust me, it was my wildest dream. Lucas is perfect. The hard worker. Not some trust fund nepo baby”

Damian’s body visibly tensed, his fists clenching at his sides, and Yello’s nervous glance flicked between them. Dinah could see it now—the cracks in their bravado, the humiliation settling in.

“Shut up!” Damian snapped, his voice shaky, betraying his anger. “You’re lying! Lucas wouldn’t—”

“Oh, but he did,” Dinah interrupted smoothly, stepping forward with her weapon in hand, her confidence growing. She pointed the taser at him, the one designed to burn a man’s groin beyond repair. Her smirk turned wicked. “And now I’m going to take something from you, Damian. Something you’ll never get back. Your fucking ballsies... ”

To Dinah's surprise, it was Yello who attacked her first. He swung his Whiskey bottle at her, and hit her on the side of her head. "You won't hurt Damian! And I'm not weak!", the readhead shouted. Dinah was dizzy, and cursed at herself for underestimating male aggression, even from weak men. Before Yello could hit her again, she blocked his move, and punched him hard in his face. "Go back to your daddy, or suck Brennan's dick!", she hissed. "Maybe you're better at that than at fighting!" Yello stumbled back, holding his mouth and nose, and crashed to the floor. "You will pay for that! You bitch!", Damian roared, as he watched his cousin's failure. "No one hurts my friends and family!" He turned to Yello. "I will deal with her! Switch the lights and connections back on!" While Yello crawled towards the controls, Damian crushed his bottle on a nearby table, and pointed the broken bottle at Dinah. "I only have this ... but it's enough to kill you! Believe me!" He lunged at her, but the sharp edges of the glass shards only scratched  Dinah's BDSM suit slightly. Damian cursed. "You little whore! How did Lucas's dick taste, huh? Tell me!" He held the broken end of the bottle to Dinah's throat. "Just one wrong move, and I'll cut off your cute little head! You know what I want!" Dinah shrieked in surprise as the heavily breathing, slightly drunk boy reached between her legs. "Lights should be back on!", Yello interrupted at that moment. "Good work, buddy! Now let's have fun with that little whore! We can easily do what Lucas already did, right?"

Dinah smirked, her heart steady even with the sharp edge of the broken bottle pressing against her neck. Damian, always predictable, had once again forgotten the one thing that mattered most — his unprotected, fragile balls. It was laughable, really, how men like him never learned.

With her voice dripping with contempt, Dinah spat at him, “Lucas’ dick was so big... I doubt you have one.” The words cut deeper than the glass ever could, a direct hit to Damian's fragile ego. His face flushed red with rage, but before he could react, Dinah’s body moved with lightning speed.

Her agility was unmatched. In a single fluid motion, she used her free hand to deliver a sharp blow where it would hurt him the most — Damian’s vulnerable groin.

The earth trembled again, a small but noticeable tremor shaking the ground beneath them. Damian looked around, momentarily distracted by the quake, his grip on the bottle loosening slightly.

"The landslide's coming faster than I thought," Dinah muttered, but her focus never wavered. As the tremor rolled through the room, she took her shot. With precise timing, her knee drove straight into Damian’s crotch, crushing his testicles with brutal force.

The scream that tore from Damian’s throat was almost satisfying. “ARRGHHHHHHHHH!” His voice cracked, echoing in the confined space as he doubled over, his hands immediately flying to his shattered manhood. The pain shot through his body like a wildfire, overwhelming every sense he had left.

Dinah didn’t stop there. Her fist connected with his face, sending him staggering back, blood dripping from his now-broken nose. She grabbed the whiskey bottle from the table without missing a beat, her movements quick, deadly. Her eyes flicked to Yello, who was fumbling to reconnect the signal on the console.

“Drop it,” Dinah ordered, her voice low and filled with menace. She pressed the jagged edge of the broken whiskey bottle to Yello’s groin, right where it would do the most damage. “Or I’ll slice your pathetic balls right off, red.”

Yello froze, wide-eyed, the blood draining from his face. His hands trembled, and his voice came out in a panicked whimper, “No... no, no! Please! Damian, help me!”

But Damian was in no position to help anyone, still crumpled on the floor, groaning in pain, barely conscious.

Dinah laughed, the sound sharp and cruel. Without hesitation, she shoved Yello hard, slamming him into the cupboard. She twisted the lock, trapping him inside the small space. “Stay there,” she sneered. “I think this room might be the only part that’s safe from the collapse. Lucky you.”

With Yello out of the way, Dinah turned her attention back to the computer, ready to finish her simulation. But before she could get far, a sound behind her made her freeze.

It was Damian. His breath was ragged, his body trembling, but somehow, the bastard wasn’t done yet. His adrenaline had kicked in, overriding the agony coursing through his body. His eyes, wild with fury and desperation, locked onto her.

Damian heard Yello shouting for help from inside the cabinet, and hammering against the doors, but he was focused completely on Dinah. "That's typical... for you whores... attacking our manhood... dirty bitches!" The pain in his squashed balls weakened him, but he was determined to beat Dinah once and for all. "I will fuck you ... make you suffer! How often I have dreamed to ruin your pussy!" He threw a punch at Dinah, but she dodged it. The next moment, the ground below them trembled again, and Dinah instinctively tried to estimate the strength of the movement. Damian, however, was so much focused on his wrath that he couldn't be irritated, and he used the distraction for another attack. This time, he hit Dinah's belly hard, and she bent over. "Aaarghhh... bastard!", she yelled in pain. Damian jumped onto her like a predator, and strangled her. "Now you understand! Men are stronger! You can hit our balls, but you'll never tame us!", Damian stated with grim satisfaction. Dinah's eyes bulged out as she gasped for air, and tried to remove Damian's hands from her throat. "I shouldn't have sent Madelyn away", she thought. "Only one chance..." She noticed that Damian stood before her with widely spread legs, maybe because of the ongoing pain in his crotch, but also to stabilize his fighting pose. "They'll never learn it!"

Dinah lay on the cold stone floor, her breath steady despite the chaos around her. She gripped her new weapon — the taser she’d engineered herself — her fingers tightening around the handle. It was almost poetic, she thought. Damian stood towering over her, his muscles straining against his tight polo shirt, his chest rising and falling with each arrogant breath. His posture screamed toxic masculinity, while she, on the floor, represented something far stronger: feminine power, intelligence, and defiance.

A slow, sinister grin spread across Damian’s face as he loomed over her. “You’re mine now,” he sneered, his voice thick with the belief that he had already won. “My new slave.”

He flexed, showing off the muscles he believed would overpower her. For a moment, the contrast was stark—Damian’s brute strength against Dinah’s calm intellect. But she had no fear. He was the one underestimating her.

Damian raised his foot as if to stomp her into submission, but Dinah moved like lightning, her body a blur as she swung her taser upward. The first strike hit its target dead-on—Damian’s balls.

The uppercut-style blow was brutal. Her taser connected with his groin with a sickening thud, and for a brief second, time seemed to stop. Damian’s eyes bulged, the cocky smile wiped clean off his face as the pain registered, deep and immediate.

But that wasn’t all.

In the next instant, Dinah flipped the switch on her taser, sending a jolt of high-voltage electricity coursing through Damian’s testicles. His entire body jerked violently, a strangled cry escaping his throat. His hands flew to his crotch as if trying to shield himself from the unbearable agony, but it was too late. The electricity sizzled, burning through him, frying his nerves. The smell of singed fabric and flesh filled the room as his balls were literally seared by the taser.

"ARGGHHHHHH!" Damian’s scream echoed, a primal sound of pain and shock. His legs buckled beneath him, and he collapsed to his knees, his once-proud stance utterly destroyed.

Dinah didn’t stop. She pressed the taser deeper into his crotch, her eyes blazing with cold satisfaction. “How’s that Damian?” she spat.

The jolt intensified, Damian’s body convulsing uncontrollably as the voltage tore through him, frying what was left of his pride and manhood. The raw power of the taser was overwhelming, and all Damian could do was scream, his voice growing weaker with each passing second.

By the time Dinah finally pulled the taser away, Damian was on the ground. “Dad... I should be ... the next big thing, right?” he said when he was defeated

Dinah stood over him, victorious. “I think you’ll make a much better slave now,” she muttered, smirking as she looked down at his defeated form. “And just so you know... the truth is. I’ll always prefer you than Lucas” Dinah smiled and gave him a small kiss on the forehead. “I’ll cut his dick. Don’t worry. But I think you know the lesson now, women are not property. I wll never be yours” then Dinah knocked the cupboard. “Stay here. I need to finish something.”

In his narrow prison, Yello was deeply frightened by what he heard from outside. The loud sizzling and cracking of the taser, Damian's tormented screams, and now the awkward silence, interrupted by some crunching sounds when the earth trembled again... He recalled that time when some school bullies had tied him up, and thrown him in a garbage container. But now, it was even more terrifying because something catastrophic seemed to be going on outside... "Damian? Damian! Say something! Talk to me!", Yello begged, but there was no response, only silence and darkness...

In the main hall of the mining company, Dr. Koller let out a satisfied sigh when the lights suddenly were turned on again. "My son! I knew he wouldn't disappoint me!", he thought. The men felt encouraged when they could finally clearly see their enemies, a few dozen of women clad in black leather costumes. "See? They're just a bunch of weak women! Show them what men are made of!", Koller shouted, knowing male psychology well enough to be able to raise the miner's fighting spirit. "Where do they all come from? Are these some escaped slaves? Where are their leaders", he wondered. The battle went back and forth, but since the lights were on again, the miners slowly gained upper hand. They ruthlessly used every tool they could find as weapons, and they fought with the raw power of men who were used to hard physical work. The women had batters and clubs, some of them even had swords, but Koller heard no gunfire. "Damian will call the Watchdogs, then it will be over soon!", Koller said to himself. He was watching the fights from a distance, analyzing the rebel's strategy, and giving commands from time to time. Suddenly, the ground was shaking, and he fell down, slamming with his head on the edge of a wooden table. When he came to his senses again after a few seconds, a familiar female figure towered over him. "It's an honor to meet the famous Dr. Koller again - the brain of Gavin's Rock!", he heard Bianca's voice say. "I heard you've had some trouble with your manhood recently?" Bianca stomped on Koller's crotch. "But it seems you managed to get it soft again! Such a shame! I was looking forward to have a big, hard trophy for my living room! Maybe Dinah will give me your son's cock as a replacement!"

Her fierce eyes locked onto Paul Koller, whose once smug face was now etched with fear. She smirked, her lips curling with satisfaction as she looked down at him—this man who had once played the role of high-class tormentor, the manipulative puppeteer behind so much suffering on Gavin’s Rock.

“Paul Koller,” Bianca’s voice dripped with contempt, “let’s see just how strong you really are. I heard Madelyn beat the hell out of you... ” She moved her head closer, her voice lowering into a venomous hiss. “You look so... high class, don’t you? Always been rich from exploiting people, huh? I wonder how many women you’ve broken just to keep Gabriel and his filthy regime satisfied.”

Koller winced, but his pride wouldn’t let him show weakness. Bianca’s boot pressed harder against his crotch, the pressure increasing with each passing second. His breath hitched as her foot ground into him.

“You’re so handsome,” she sneered, eyes glinting with amusement. “So clean, unlike those disgusting dogs in the mines or patrolling around.” Her grin widened as she dug her heel deeper into his balls, feeling the shift of power, the control she now had over the man who once thought he could control everyone else. “I wonder what Gabriel would say if he could see you now... weak, helpless... right where you deserve to be.”

Koller’s face twisted in pain, but he tried to maintain his composure. “You think you’ve won?” he calmly talk, defiance flickering in his eyes. “I’m Paul Koller, you stupid—”

Bianca moved swiftly, cutting him off. She reached into her belt, pulling out a set of handcuffs, and in one quick motion, she cuffed his wrists behind his back. The sound of the metal clicking into place was like music to her ears.

“You’re a great Paul Koller, huh?” she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “The man who thinks he’s untouchable... The man who tortured me just to make me a lovely bride for Gabriel, huh?”

Koller’s lip curled in disgust, and in a final act of rebellion, he spat at her, hitting her squarely on the mouth. For a moment, the room fell silent, the tension crackling between them like a live wire.

Bianca didn’t flinch. She wiped her mouth slowly, her eyes narrowing as her smirk returned. “Sssst. Shut up.”

With no hesitation, her boot crashed into his groin once more, harder this time, her heel slamming into his testicles with enough force to make him gasp for air. The agony that flashed across Koller’s face was sweet to her, his arrogance finally cracking under the pressure. “AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”

He collapsed further, his knees buckling as the pain coursed through him. The mighty Dr. Koller.

“Now,” Bianca whispered, crouching down so her face was inches from his, her voice low and deadly, “it’s my turn to break you, Doctor.”

"But I won't do it alone!", Bianca added. "I'd love to have your suffering just for myself, but ... women like to share their pleasures!" Koller was too much in pain to be able to understand what she said, but when Bianca gave a signal to some other women behind her, he began to get it, and his eyes widened in fear. "Remember me? No?", one woman asked. "You loved to put electrodes in my vagina, and watch me scream... You said I should enjoy it!" Koller shook his head. "No... no... I just treated slaves with this... to train them... You gotta understand, it was my job...", the scientist stuttered. "I've been a sex slave for eight years!", the woman spat. "Many of your fellow men raped me, just for fun, and thanks to you, I felt nothing but pain my whole adult life!" - "You can now do to him what you want", Bianca said, hugging the angry woman. "Just don't kill him... we still need something from him. After that, we'll see!" - "I want him naked and helpless before me... like I was in his lab!" - "So be it!", Bianca agreed. Koller squirmed helplessly and tried to get free, but his hands were firmly tied. Two other woman pulled down his jeans and underpants, exposing his limp cock and bruised balls. "Look at those pathetic, ugly genitals! Men are so gross, and they don't even realize it", Bianca pointed out. Koller's victim grabbed the scientist's balls, and squeezed them hard. "AAAAAARGH!", Koller screamed, struggling helplessly.


Koller’s composure crumbled, his confident mask breaking down into a pitiful display of panic. Tears streamed down his once-proud face as he trembled beneath Bianca's merciless gaze. “NO, NO!!! Please, you don’t understand! Gabriel will kill me...  Please... stop it... Spare me... my son... my nephew....”

Bianca didn’t flinch. The sound of Koller’s begging only fueled the fire burning in her chest. This man had ruined the lives of so many women—broken them, manipulated them, and now he had the audacity to beg for mercy. Not today. The women really tortured Koller. Some scratch his handsome face.

She exchanged a glance with Madelyn, who stood to the side, just entered the room. “Everything under control?” Madelyn asked. Bianca nodded. “Let me finish this”

Her arms crossed, watching with a calm but dangerous gleam in her eyes. Koller’s cries of desperation wouldn’t sway them. He would get what was coming to him.

Without hesitation, Bianca drove her fist into his groin again, feeling his balls flatten beneath the impact. Koller let out a guttural scream, his body folding in on itself as the pain radiated through him. He gasped for air, his hands futilely reaching for something, anything to make the agony stop.

But Bianca wasn’t done. Her hand gripped the front of his shirt, pulling him up just enough to meet her eyes. “You ruined too many lives to be begging for mercy now, Koller. This is justice. Now, spill it.”

Koller’s breath was ragged, tears pooling in his eyes as his voice came out in a broken sob. “3... 5... 5... 3... 4... 7... 0...” he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. “That’s the code... please, I’ve told you... I’ve told you!”

Bianca’s eyes narrowed, her fingers still wrapped around his shirt. She could feel the slickness of sweat on his skin, his fear palpable. But something in his tone caught her attention.

“Are you sure you can defeat Gabriel?” Koller wheezed, his opportunistic nature resurfacing even in the face of imminent destruction. His slick, calculating voice tried to claw its way back into the conversation. “You won’t get to him... Chase and his Watchdogs will stop you. You need me... you need me to take you in!”

Bianca let out a cold laugh, her hand pressing harder into his chest. “Why would we need you, Koller? After everything you’ve done, you still think you’re worth sparing?”

Koller’s eyes darted around frantically, his mind racing as he tried to find a way out. “Spare me... my son, my nephew, I’ll help you! I’ll take you to Gabriel... I’ll help you take him down! Just let me go! I KNOW HIS SECRETS. I WILL BE AN ASSETT”  The women kept torturing him waited for Bianca’s command

"What would Silla say?", Bianca wondered. "As much as I hate it, but he could really still be useful... and we can still punish him for his deeds after we won!" She made her decision. "Stop! Don't destroy his manhood... for the moment!" Some women, former victims of Koller's treatments, murmured and protested. "The triumvirate will be dealt with after the island is ours! Everyone of you will have a chance for revenge, I promise you!" Then she turned to Koller, who was relieved, but on the brink of passing out. "I agree, you can be useful for us! But I warn you ..." She came closer to him, and continued. "If you try to betray us, if I just see the smallest hint for that... I will let you watch the painful castration of your son and your nephew, before we do the same to you! Understood?" Koller nodded weakly, his whole body was shaking, and his face was wet from sweat and tears. "Whatever you say... I'm not stupid... I know when I've lost... Please spare us!"

Sebastian’s eyes burned with rage as he hefted the massive hammer in his hands, its weight feeling like an extension of his fury. "You came to my place, bitch," he snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "You have the fucking audacity to fight me in my own mine!" The veins in his neck bulged as he swung the hammer with all his might, aiming to crush Silla beneath its force.

But Silla was ready. Her reflexes were sharp, honed by pain and defiance. She met his hammer in midair, grabbing the handle with both hands, stopping its arc. The sharp edge of the weapon shimmered in the dim light, inches from her face. She gritted her teeth, eyes blazing with fury to match Sebastian’s. The clash of their weapons rang out, echoing through the cavernous mine, the sound like thunder, as if the very earth trembled beneath them. Their conqueror clased but Silla’s spirit is stronger than Sebastian.

“You fucking slut,” Sebastian growled, sweat beading down his forehead. He pushed against her with all his strength, the muscles in his arms bulging as he forced her backward. “You think you deserve the Conqueror Spirit? You’re nothing. You shouldn’t even be able to wield it! YOU Don’t have balls”

But Silla wasn’t backing down. Her lips curled into a grim smile as their weapons locked together, both of them pouring their strength into the fight. She could feel the raw power of her Conqueror Spirit coursing through her veins, the energy vibrating the air around them. The walls of the mine shook, loose rocks tumbling from the ceiling as the ground quaked beneath their feet.

“I’ll do more than wield it,” Silla spat, her breath ragged but steady. “I’ll bury you with it.”

Sebastian’s sneer widened, his eyes dark and wild. “Let’s see you try, whore!” With a roar, he swung again, forcing Silla deeper into the bowels of the mine, the very ground beneath them threatening to cave as their spirits collided.

At the same time, chaos erupted across the mine. The men, one by one, were falling to the ground, clutching their crotches in agony. The women were relentless. They had learned their enemy’s most vulnerable spot, and they attacked without mercy. Every miner’s balls were fair game, and the sound of groaning men filled the air.

Alif watched in horror as one of his friends was hit with a hammer directly to his groin. The sound was sickening, a wet crunch followed by a scream that cut through the chaos. Blood quickly soaked through the front of his friend’s jeans, the once-tough miner now writhing on the ground, reduced to a whimpering mess.

“Drew! Drew!” Alif stumbled through the chaos, eyes darting until he found his best friend in the mess of bodies. Drew still stood up. “Dude, we have to get out of here,” Alif said, grabbing Drew’s arm and pulling him close. “We don’t stand a chance. The girls... they’re dangerous. They’re taking us out one by one.”

Drew yanked his arm away, his face twisted with anger and disbelief. “No fucking way!” he snapped. “You’re giving up? On this island? On everything we’ve built?”

Before Alif could argue, Madelyn appeared, her eyes locking onto Drew with cold determination. She grinned wickedly as she twirled the metal stick in her hands, advancing slowly. Drew smirked, foolishly thinking he had the upper hand. He lunged at Madelyn, his fists ready to strike, but before he could lay a finger on her, Alif moved on instinct.

His fist connected with the side of Drew’s head, sending his friend sprawling to the ground. Drew’s eyes rolled back, unconscious before he even hit the dirt.

Madelyn’s eyebrow raised in surprise as she stared down at Drew, then back up at Alif. “Really?” she said, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. “Is he your best friend?”

Alif shrugged, breathless. “Sorry, Madelyn. He’s my best friend... I couldn’t let you hurt him.”

Madelyn chuckled, spinning the metal stick in her hand. Without warning, she slammed it into Alif’s crotch with a brutal strike. Alif’s eyes bulged, a guttural groan escaping him as he doubled over, clutching his groin.

“Yeah, well, I still wanted to bust someone’s balls tonight,” Madelyn said with a wink, walking past him as Alif collapsed to his knees, whimpering in pain. Men really had no dignity left. Stupid creatures.

Meanwhile, Sebastian had gone feral. His eyes were bloodshot, wild with rage as he fought with everything he had. With a vicious snarl, he ripped the hammer from Silla’s hands, throwing it to the side. The clang of the weapon hitting the ground echoed in the mine, and for a split second, the air around them seemed to still. “I will bring you to Gabriel and Chase will now how strong is the miner!”

Silla laughed. “Miners like you sucks” She spat on Sebastian’s face.

You are nothing!", Sebastian yelled, out of his mind, and punched Silla in her face. She stumbled back, blood shooting out of her nose, but she didn't go down. Her female comrades winced and gasped in shock when they saw their spiritual leader losing control. Many of them stopped fighting, and looked around with doubts and fear flickering in their eyes. Unknown to them, and maybe even to Silla herself, the leader of the Sisters had used her Conqueror spirit not only to weaken the miners, but also to strengthen and encourage the women. The whole atmosphere in the hall seemed to flicker and oscillate. Some men who were still standing cheered for Sebastian, and gained upper hand again. Silla's sight was blurred, and so she didn't see Sebastian's second blow coming. A devastating hit to her belly left her struggling for air. "We are fucking Mother Nature every day!", Sebastian roared. "You, and all of your friends will be fucked to death tonight! You may defeat some of my men with your dirty tricks and perverse attacks, but you can't win! Women are born to be fucked, and men are born to fuck them, and to rule over them! Mother Nature betrays her daughters! 'It's the mighty Phallus that finally penetrates every black hole in the universe'", Sebastian cited some of Gavin Leister's famous sayings. He was furious that Silla still hadn't fallen despite his mighty blows, but he was sure he would kill her in the next few seconds. "Look at your champion!", he said to the onlooking women. "She can't fight anymore! She has led you astray from the right path! After your rebellion failed, the situation for women and girls on this island will get much, much worse! Is that what you want? Isn't it better to trust the guidance of your strong, male overlords, and live in peace and harmony with them? Gabriel will punish all rebel leaders, but he will also show mercy for those of you who submit right now! Think this over, while I kill the evil witch who led you into this hopeless battle! Behold!" Sebastian took a deep breath, and prepared himself for the final, deadly attack on his weakened opponent.

Silla took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling steadily as she locked eyes with Sebastian. A wicked smile tugged at her lips as she tilted her head. "Do you really think that would defeat me?" she asked, her voice dripping with mockery. The change in her tone, the way her eyes turned wild, sent a ripple of fear through Sebastian’s hardened exterior. He could feel it—something primal, something terrifying.

Silla’s laughter echoed through the trembling walls of the mine, sharp and taunting. "I've seen your little friend Chase’s trick," she said, her grin widening, "and maybe I’ve picked up a thing or two about hardening."

Sebastian’s face twisted with confusion, but Silla didn’t bother to explain. She knew what she was capable of. Hardening—a skill reserved for those with the Advanced Conqueror Spirit, focusing that raw energy into one body part. Silla had seen it in action, but now, standing in the heart of this collapsing mine, she was about to show Sebastian just how devastating it could be.

She concentrated, her fist tightening as she summoned the energy of Gavin’s Rock itself. There was something ancient and mysterious about the island. She didn’t know the science behind it, nor did Dinah, the smartest of them all. But not everything needed to be understood. Some things were just... power.

With a single, fluid motion, Silla swung her arm upward, her fist crashing into Sebastian’s balls with a force that defied reason. The punch was not just physical—it was like a shockwave, the very air around them vibrating as the power of her Conqueror Spirit ripped through him. The impact was catastrophic. Sebastian’s eyes bulged as if his soul had been ripped from his body, and a strangled, guttural scream tore from his throat.

"ARGHHHHHHHH!" Sebastian's scream echoed through the mine, louder than the tremors that shook the ground beneath their feet. The agony in his voice was almost inhuman, the pain so overwhelming it seemed to radiate from him in waves. His knees buckled, and he crumpled slowly to the ground, both hands flying to his crotch as if he could somehow undo the devastation.

"What... what was that?" he gasped, his voice cracking as tears welled in his eyes. "ARGHHH, MY BALLS!"

Silla stood over him, her shadow falling across his broken form. She looked down at him with a cold, cruel smirk. “I assure you,” she said, her voice low and dangerous, “every man on this island is going to regret ever being born here.”

Before Sebastian could respond, Silla unleashed a second uppercut, this one just as brutal, just as unforgiving. Sebastian reflex cover his face cause it seems like she targeted his face but the punch changed it course. Her fist connected with his groin again, and Sebastian’s body convulsed, his eyes bulging wider than before, his mouth opening in a silent scream as the pain rendered him speechless. “Please... stop...”

Outside the mine, the tremors grew stronger, shaking the very foundation of Gavin’s Rock. Dinah ran through the chaos, her face pale with urgency. “EVERYONE! GET AWAY FROM THE CENTER MINE! OUT! ALL THE WOMEN OUT NOW!" she screamed, her voice cutting through the rising panic. "THE MINE WILL COLLAPSE IN FIVE MINUTES!”

Madelyn was already moving, her mind sharp, her eyes scanning the scene. She caught Dinah’s frantic gaze and nodded. "Bianca’s already outside with Koller!"

But as the ground beneath them shifted, there was a deafening crash. Rocks from the ceiling fell beside Silla, creating a massive barrier of her and Sebastian and others, trapping them both in a small pocket of the collapsing mine. Dust and debris filled the air, and for a moment, everything was chaos.

Sebastian, still writhing on the ground, managed a weak, pained laugh. “At least... at least you’ll die here with me,” he groaned, his body trembling from the agony in his crotch. His voice cracked as he kept sobbing, still clutching his mutilated groin. "Gabriel... Gabriel will write my name in stone...”

Tears streamed down his face, not just from the pain, but from the realization that his life would soon end in this forsaken place. And yet, even in his final moments, all he could think of was his pathetic, fleeting legacy.

Silla stared down at him, unphased by the rocks or the threat of the mine collapsing. She let out a small, cold laugh. “You’re not worth a single stone, Sebastian,” she spat, her eyes gleaming with deadly intent. "You’ll be remembered as nothing more than a broken, whimpering dog."

The agony was unbearable even for a strong man like Sebastian. After Silla's second blow, he was sure that at least one of his testicles, most likely his right member, was irreparably crushed. He wished nothing more than to be able to attack Silla again, wipe the triumphant smile out of her face, but he simply couldn't. He knew he wouldn't be able to stand up anymore. The defeat was total, and the center of his male body, usually a source of pride and pleasure for him, was now the epicenter of an endless, overwhelming pain. It was as if his manhood was shattered just like the mountain he had worked in for his whole adult life.  But there was one thing that he still could do: Let Silla die with him in the collapsing mine. Holding his destroyed crotch with his right hand, still sobbing, he reached for Silla's leg. "I will ... make sure ... you will die here! Gabriel and the Watchdogs will ... eradicate your pathetic rebel friends!", he groaned. He knew his grip was only weak, like that of a dying man holding on to his last connection to the living world. But Silla was weakened, too, from the fight, as the rush of adrenaline slowly stopped. "I won't die here together with a dirty, neutered dog like you!', she hissed. "Gabriel's rule will end today ... and every male being on this island will be at the mercy of their wives, sisters, daughters and former slaves! Isn't that a beautiful last thought for a loser like you?"

Silla’s breathing was ragged, her hands trembling as she pressed them against the cold rock that trapped her. On the other side, she could hear a familiar voice cutting through the silence.

"Silla! Hold on—I’m going to get you out!" Alif's voice was determined, filled with urgency.

She heard the sharp clang of metal against stone as Alif desperately chipped away, but the rock was solid, unyielding. Silla closed her eyes, steadying her breath. This wasn’t how it was going to end. Not like this.

A surge of energy coursed through her veins—her Conqueror Spirit awakening. Her muscles tensed as she focused all her power into a single point, coating her fists with an unbreakable force.

Then, with a roar, she struck.

The rock shattered into a thousand jagged shards. The impact sent dust swirling into the air as Silla surged forward, stepping through the crumbling debris and locking eyes with Alif.

For a brief moment, she stood still. Then, without warning, she grabbed him by the collar, pulled him close—and kissed him.

Alif barely had time to react before—


She drove her knee straight into his balls.

"That’s for being an idiot," she muttered, her glare sharp enough to cut steel.

"And I still hate you." Silla cracked her knuckles, smirking. "Now, let's go. We've got Watchdogs to destroy."


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